The number of Construction Products Directive (CPD) is 89 / 106 / EEC, and CPR (reconstruction (EU) no 305 / 2011 – CPR) has entered the enforcement stage in July 2013.
7 requirements for basic performance of building products:
- Mechanical resistance and stability;
- Safety in case of fire;
- Hygiene, health and the environment;
- Safety and accessibility in use;
- Protection against noise;
- Energy economy and heat retention;
- Sustainable use of natural resources.
When must my construction products be affixed with CE mark?
For construction products, if they need to be put on the EEA market (European economic region or EU + Norway, Ireland and Liechtenstein markets), they must pass CE certification. This requirement is mandatory. They can be put on the market only if they meet this requirement.
That is, there must be an effective coordination standard available for each product within the scope of the building.The Commission published this harmonized standard in the official journal of the European Union.The publication of each harmonized standard is accompanied by 2 dates“"Application date" means after which the technical description is valid and CE certification begins to be implemented“"Deadline" means that after that, CE certification is mandatory for this product put on the European market, but the implementation date and deadline of each product will be different.
1 .Mechanical resistance and stability of products
- Fire resistance
- Hygiene, health and environmental requirements
- Use safety
- Noise prevention
- Energy efficiency and thermal insulation
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